Training Sessions
To continue one to one training after you have completed your course, please chose from one of the options, below.
Single Training Session.
£40 p/hr
- Upto 60 minute one to one training session
- Normally held at your home or Canford SANG.
- Additional sessions can be added as needed
These sessions are ideal for owners who just want to check back in to keep the training on track. They are also useful for exploring minor changes in behaviour, training setbacks, or as owner confidence boosters. These stand-alone training sessions are only available to people who have already completed one-to-one training with me.
Block of Four Training Sessions
£36 p/h
- Blocks of Four one-hour sessions (£36 per session)
- Each session in the block can be taken as and when needed.
- Choice of location for each session.
- Select the date for the first session when you book.
To be taken as and when needed, a block of sessions is a fantastic way to cement training such as recall or to introduce some advanced skills. These sessions can also be used to continue behaviour modification work. Each block is four one-hour sessions and has a 10% discount against booking sessions separately.
Regular Training Sessions
£34 p/h
- Option of a regular day/time slot every week or fortnight.
- Choice of accompanied / unaccompanied sessions, or a combination of both.
- Collection and return from your home or work for unaccompanied sessions.
Regular training sessions will help you achieve the most with your dog. These sessions are also a fantastic way to gain confidence in your dog and your own abilities. With regular training, you will also have the option of booking the same slot for each session and the choice of whether to come along to the session or not. If you choose not to accompany me on a session, I will collect and return your dog to you.
Regular sessions are also an advised option when working with complex behavioural challenges where substantive change can take an extended period.
These sessions can also be used to continue behaviour modification work.
Regular sessions must run for an initial period of three months*. After this, a direct debit will collect the fee at the start of each month.
Regular Training sessions have a 15% discount against the cost of a stand-alone session.
* The monthly fee is averaged over the year. The initial three-month period will be twelve weekly sessions or six fortnightly sessions.